Joshua Gottlieb is a Professor at the University of Chicago, in the Harris School of Public Policy. He leads the Becker-Friedman Institute's Health Economics Initiative and is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Gottlieb completed his Ph.D. in economics at Harvard University in 2012. He has published research on health, labor, urban, and public economics in leading academic journals including The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Political Economy, and American Economic Review. His research has been recognized with the Kenneth J. Arrow Award for best paper in health economics and the National Tax Association Dissertation Award.

Extended bio here.

Contact: [email protected]

Market Size and Trade in Medical Services

Revisions requested at American Economic Review
April 2024
with Jonathan Dingel, Maya Lozinski and Pauline Mourot

The Spillover Effects of Top Income Inequality

Revisions requested at Econometrica
June 2023
with David Hémous, Jeffrey Hicks, and Morten Olsen

Who Values Human Capitalists' Human Capital?
The Earnings and Labor Supply of U.S. Physicians

The Quarterly Journal of Economics (forthcoming)
with Maria Polyakova, Kevin Rinz, Hugh Shiplett, and Victoria Udalova

A Denial A Day Keeps the Doctor Away

The Quarterly Journal of Economics (2024)
with Abe Dunn, Adam Hale Shapiro, Daniel Sonnenstuhl, and Pietro Tebaldi

When Workers Travel: Nursing Supply During COVID-19 Surges

The Review of Economics and Statistics (forthcoming)
with Avi Zenilman

Does Career Risk Deter Potential Entrepreneurs

Review of Financial Studies (2022)
Editor's choice and lead article
with Richard Townsend and Ting Xu

In the Shadow of a Giant: Medicare's Influence on Private Payment Systems

Journal of Political Economy (2017)
Lead article
with Jeffrey Clemens

Do Physicians' Financial Incentives Affect Treatment Patterns and Patient Health?

American Economic Review (2014)
Kenneth J. Arrow Award for Best Paper in Health Economics
with Jeffrey Clemens

Unhappy Cities

Journal of Labor Economics (2016)
with Edward Glaeser and Oren Ziv

The Wealth of Cities: Agglomeration Economies and Spatial Equilibrium in the United States

Journal of Economic Literature (2009)
with Edward Glaeser

The Economics of Place-Making Policies

Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (2008)
with Edward Glaeser

Do Health Insurers Innovate?
Evidence from the Anatomy of Physician Payments

Journal of Health Economics (2017)
with Jeffrey Clemens and Timea Laura Molnar

Administration Above Administrators:
The Changing Technology of Health Care Management

American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings (2020)
with Abe Dunn and Adam Hale Shapiro

The Complexity of Billing and Paying for Physician Care

Health Affairs (2018)
with Abe Dunn and Adam Hale Shapiro

Economic Incentives for Chest Physicians

Chest (2022)
with David Chan

How Would Medicare for All Affect Health System Capacity?
Evidence from Medicare for Some

Tax Policy and the Economy (2021)
with Jeffrey Clemens and Jeffrey Hicks

Antibiotic Use in Cold and Flu Season and Prescribing Quality:
A Retrospective Cohort Study

Medical Care (2015)
with Marcella Alsan, Nancy Morden, Weiping Zhou and Jonathan Skinner

Medicare Payment Cuts Continue to Restrain Inflation

FRBSF Economic Letter (2016)
with Jeffrey Clemens and Adam Hale Shapiro

How Much Do Medicare Cuts Reduce Inflation?

FRBSF Economic Letter (2014)
with Jeffrey Clemens and Adam Hale Shapiro

Can Cheap Credit Explain the Housing Boom?

Housing and the Financial Crisis (2013)
with Edward Glaeser and Joseph Gyourko

Housing Booms and City Centers

American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings (2012)
with Edward Glaeser and Kristina Tobio

Hypoxia, Not the Frequency of Sleep Apnea, Induces Acute Hemodynamic Stress in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure

Journal of the American College of Cardiology (2009)
with Alan Schwartz, Joanne Marshall, Pamela Ouyang, Linda Kern, Veena Shetty, Maria Trois, Naresh Punjabi, Cynthia Brown, Samer Najjar and Stephen Gottlieb.

Urban Resurgence and the Consumer City

Urban Studies (2006)
with Edward Glaeser

Paper links: NBER | Google Scholar | RePEc

  • Making Big Data Informative Data
    Parameters, Sep 2016 BibTeX
  • Does Job Protection Encourage Entrepreneurship?
    SIEPR Policy Brief, May 2016, BibTeX
  • Review of Housing Markets and the Economy: Risk, Regulation, and Policy: Essays in Honor of Karl E. Case
    Journal of Economic Literature, Dec 15 BibTeX
  • Maximising Happiness Does Not Maximise Welfare, Oct. 2014. With Edward Glaeser and Oren Ziv BibTeX
  • Can Interest Rates Explain the US Housing Boom and Bust?, Aug. 2010. With Edward Glaeser and Joseph Gyourko, BibTeX
  • Did Credit Market Policies Cause the Housing Bubble?
    Rappaport/Taubman Policy Brief, May 2010. With Edward Glaeser and Joseph Gyourko BibTeX
  • Memos
